Tag Archives: marriage

Which of The Commandments shall I break today??


images My boyfriend & I went to church yesterday for the first time together. We are both church goers but this was our first venture together. We’ve both been slacking & drifting into habits that make us both a bit uncomfortable.

I’ve grown up with a primarily Catholic background & know my Bible stories & have that guilt thing down but I drifted around to several churches as an adult before settling in at the Evangelical Lutheran church where I’ve raised my sons. I love the services & have found a lot of spiritual fulfillment from them. Especially when my children & I lived in St Augustine, Florida & attended a very diverse Lutheran church down there. Our church back here at home is pretty routine & we don’t see a lot of color when we look at the other parishioners. My children miss that a lot along with a good, strong youth program. The congregation is older & the Lutherans here aren’t given to many guitar solos during service like in our old church. Don’t get me wrong I’m not at all a singing & dancing in the aisle kind of girl like some of the more progressive Christian churches are apt to have. I prefer to say my prayers, sing my songs, listen to a good sermon that just happens to hit on exactly what I have been struggling with, take communion then go have some coffee & cookies in the hall while I explain for the 10th time who’s granddaughter I am again. I personally have always added to my Bible learning by going out into the greatest show of His love & greatness–nature. I can find more peace & evidence of Him while hiking or riding my horse than I have during any church service except when I saw my oldest son take his Confirmation of his faith two years ago. Maybe that’s the Cowgirl in me & maybe it’s my Native heritage coming out. But it’s what makes me happy.

My sweet boyfriend grew up in a LDS house & comes from a really sweet family. I’ve started getting to know his sisters some through messaging on Facebook & really like them. The BF didn’t go on a Mission like some teenagers do in his church. He was a bit too wild & distracted at that time. Part of the many reasons I’m so crazy about him. He’s settled down now & after having gone through some hard times after a painful divorce like I did is wanting to get back into a more comfortable & familiar life.

I’ve grown up around Mormons & although my family is friends with many there has always been a strict taboo against dating or “gasp” possibly marrying one & converting. My dad gave me his blessing the other day on my choice of guy & it meant more to me than he could possibly know. I’ve put my parents through a lot with my poor life choices & succession of no so great guys. My parents are very conservative Christian. They’d give a person the shirt off their back but not their only daughter to the Mormon church so I’m the topic of a prayer circle, most likely. They know how in love I am with this wonderful man & are happy that their girl is finally with someone who treats her with kindness, love & equality. But the thought of me possibly converting has them worried. My best friend will barely talk to me. It’s my choice ultimately & is really only between myself & God. I enjoyed the service yesterday. People were really welcoming & the lesson was on the Commandments. Fitting since it’s Easter this Sunday. We’re both a little nervous about committing to marrying again after our last marriages but not willing to give up living together.

After yesterday we’ve come to some decisions that we can both live with. They’ll be hard to stick with but we love each other & the BF is right it’ll be worth the wait.